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Selected Publications

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Publications: Publications


Eye Tracking During a Continuous Performance Test: Utility for Assessing ADHD Patients

A Lev, Y Braw, T Elbaum, M Wagner, Y Rassovsky

Journal of Attention Disorders, 1087054720972786


Hormonal reactivity during martial arts practice among high-risk youths

A Harwood-Gross, R Feldman, O Zagoory-Sharon, Y Rassovsky

Psychoneuroendocrinology 121, 104806


Paying attention to speech: The role of working memory capacity and professional experience

B Lambez, G Agmon, PHS Yahav, Y Rassovsky, EZ Golumbic

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82 (7), 3594-3605


Oxygen: The Rate-Limiting Factor for Episodic Memory Performance, Even in Healthy Young Individuals

G Suzin, T Halpert Frolinger, D Yogev, A Hadanny, M Catalogna, ...

Biomolecules 10 (9), 1328


Who becomes addicted and to what? psychosocial predictors of substance and behavioral addictive disorders

N Zilberman, G Yadid, Y Efrati, Y Rassovsky

Psychiatry research 291, 113221


Efficacy of psychological intervention for children with concurrent posttraumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury

M Shorer, S Segev, Y Rassovsky, S Fennig, A Apter, TP Peleg

Journal of traumatic stress 33 (3), 330-337


Computerized cognitive training for older adults at higher dementia risk due to diabetes: findings from a randomized controlled trial

A Bahar-Fuchs, MEA Barendse, R Bloom, R Ravona-Springer, ...

The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 75 (4), 747-754


Testing the magnocellular-pathway advantage in facial expressions processing for consistency over time

M Zeev-Wolf, Y Rassovsky

Neuropsychologia 138, 107352


Perception of caregiving during childhood is related to later executive functions and antisocial behavior in at-risk boys

A Harwood-Gross, B Lambez, R Feldman, Y Rassovsky

Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 37


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Integrating the MOXO-dCPT with an Eye Tracker Enhances Diagnostic Precision

T Elbaum, Y Braw, A Lev, Y Rassovsky

Sensors 20 (21), 6386


Non-pharmacological interventions for cognitive difficulties in ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis

B Lambez, A Harwood-Gross, EZ Golumbic, Y Rassovsky

Journal of psychiatric research 120, 40-55


Negative and positive life events and their relation to substance and behavioral addictions

N Zilberman, G Yadid, Y Efrati, Y Rassovsky

Drug and alcohol dependence 204, 107562


Martial arts increase oxytocin production

Y Rassovsky, A Harwood, O Zagoory-Sharon, R Feldman

Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-8


Detection of Feigned ADHD Using the MOXO-d-CPT

C Berger, A Lev, Y Braw, T Elbaum, M Wagner, Y Rassovsky

Journal of attention disorders, 1087054719864656


Qualitative review and quantitative effect size meta-analyses in brain regions identified by cue-reactivity addiction studies

N Zilberman, M Lavidor, G Yadid, Y Rassovsky

Neuropsychology 33 (3), 319


Attention improves during physical exercise in individuals with ADHD

Y Rassovsky, T Alfassi

Frontiers in psychology 9, 2747


Evidence for a differential visual M300 brain response in gamblers

N Zilberman, YD Ziderman, M Zeev-Wolf, A Goldstein, G Yadid, ...

Clinical Neurophysiology 129 (11), 2228-2238


Personality profiles of substance and behavioral addictions

N Zilberman, G Yadid, Y Efrati, Y Neumark, Y Rassovsky

Addictive Behaviors 82, 174-181


Single transcranial direct current stimulation in schizophrenia: Randomized, cross-over study of neurocognition, social cognition, ERPs, and side effects

Y Rassovsky, W Dunn, JK Wynn, AD Wu, M Iacoboni, G Hellemann, ...

PloS one 13 (5), e0197023


Gender differences in neurocognitive performance among children with posttraumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury

S Segev, M Shorer, TP Peleg, A Apter, S Fennig, Y Rassovsky

Journal of traumatic stress 31 (1), 64-70


Computerized cognitive training for older diabetic adults at risk of dementia: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

R Bloom, M Schnaider-Beeri, R Ravona-Springer, A Heymann, H Dabush, ...

Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 3 (4), 636-650 


Enhancing neuroplasticity to augment cognitive remediation in schizophrenia

C Jahshan, Y Rassovsky, MF Green

Frontiers in psychiatry 8, 191


The effect of bilateral transcranial direct current stimulation on early auditory processing in schizophrenia: a preliminary study

W Dunn, Y Rassovsky, J Wynn, AD Wu, M Iacoboni, G Hellemann, ...

Journal of Neural Transmission 124 (9), 1145-1149


Probing the magnocellular and parvocellular visual pathways in facial emotion perception in schizophrenia

C Jahshan, M Wolf, Y Karbi, E Shamir, Y Rassovsky

Psychiatry Research 253, 38-42


Reducing aggression with martial arts: A meta-analysis of child and youth studies

A Harwood, M Lavidor, Y Rassovsky

Aggression and Violent Behavior 34, 96-101


Arousal and vigilance: the effects of physical exercise and positive mood on attention

Y Kallo, Y Rassovsky

Int. J. Sports Exerc. Med 3 (057), 10.23937


The contribution of posttraumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury to persistent post concussive symptoms following motor vehicle accidents

S Segev, M Shorer, Y Rassovsky, T Pilowsky Peleg, A Apter, S Fennig

Neuropsychology 30 (7), 800


Modulation of neurophysiological auditory processing measures by bilateral transcranial direct current stimulation in schizophrenia

W Dunn, Y Rassovsky, JK Wynn, AD Wu, M Iacoboni, G Hellemann, ...

Schizophrenia Research 174 (1-3), 189-191


The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on social cognition in schizophrenia: a preliminary study

Y Rassovsky, W Dunn, J Wynn, AD Wu, M Iacoboni, G Hellemann, ...

Schizophrenia Research 165 (2-3), 171-174


Predicting long-term outcome following traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Y Rassovsky, Y Levi, E Agranov, M Sela-Kaufman, A Sverdlik, E Vakil

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 37 (4), 354-366


Social perception in borderline personality disorder: The role of context

Y Schaffer, O Barak, Y Rassovsky

Journal of Personality Disorders 29 (2), 275-288


Parents and teachers reporting on a child’s emotional and behavioural problems following severe traumatic brain injury (TBI): The moderating effect of time

T Silberg, D Tal-Jacobi, M Levav, A Brezner, Y Rassovsky

Brain Injury 29 (4), 481-489


Exploring facial emotion perception in schizophrenia using transcranial magnetic stimulation and spatial filtering

Y Rassovsky, J Lee, P Nori, AD Wu, M Iacoboni, BG Breitmeyer, G Hellemann, MF Green

Journal of Psychiatric Research 58, 102-108


Cognitive reserve components as expressed in traumatic brain injury

Y Levi, Y Rassovsky, E Agranov, M Sela-Kaufman, E Vakil

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society: JINS 19 (6), 664


Premorbid personality characteristics and attachment style moderate the effect of injury severity on occupational outcome in traumatic brain injury: another aspect of reserve

M Sela-Kaufman, Y Rassovsky, E Agranov, Y Levi, E Vakil

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 35 (6), 584-595


The magnocellular visual pathway and facial emotion misattribution errors in schizophrenia

JS Bedwell, CC Chan, O Cohen, Y Karbi, E Shamir, Y Rassovsky

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 44, 88-93


Assessing temporal processing of facial emotion perception with transcranial magnetic stimulation

Y Rassovsky, J Lee, P Nori, A D. Wu, M Iacoboni, BG Breitmeyer, ...

Brain and Behavior 3 (3), 263-272


Changes in the visual-evoked P1 potential as a function of schizotypy and background color in healthy young adults

JS Bedwell, CC Chan, BJ Trachik, Y Rassovsky

Journal of Psychiatric Research 47 (4), 542-547


Disentangling early sensory information processing deficits in schizophrenia

AJ Rissling, DL Braff, NR Swerdlow, G Hellemann, Y Rassovsky, J Sprock, ...

Clinical Neurophysiology 123 (10), 1942-1949


The backward masking red light effect in schizophrenia: Relationship to clinical features and neurocognitive performance

JS Bedwell, Y Rassovsky, DM Orem, V Kamath

Journal of Abnormal Psychology 120 (2), 490-4496


Pathways between early visual processing and functional outcome in schizophrenia

Y Rassovsky, WP Horan, J Lee, MJ Sergi, MF Green

Psychological Medicine 41 (3), 487-497


Brain and cognitive reserve: mediator (s) and construct validity, a critique

P Satz, MA Cole, DJ Hardy, Y Rassovsky

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 33 (1), 121-130


Further support for the role of dysfunctional attitudes in models of real-world functioning in schizophrenia

WP Horan, Y Rassovsky, RS Kern, J Lee, JK Wynn, MF Green

Journal of Psychiatric Research 44 (8), 499-505


Cognitive training for divergent thinking in schizophrenia: a pilot study

T Nemoto, R Yamazawa, H Kobayashi, N Fujita, B Chino, C Fujii, H Kashima, Y Rassovsky, MF Green, M Mizuno

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 33 (8), 1533-1536


A potential qualitative endophenotype for schizophrenia: Backward masking response to red light

JS Bedwell, DM Orem, Y Rassovsky, LG Allen, SR Sutterby

Psychiatry Research 166 (2-3), 166-173


Neuropsychological exploration of alleged mold neurotoxicity

MJ Reinhard, P Satz, CA Scaglione, LF D'Elia, Y Rassovsky, AA Arita, CH Hinkin, D Thrasher, G Ordog

Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 22 (4), 533-543


Social cognition in schizophrenia: relationships with neurocognition and negative symptoms

MJ Sergi, Y Rassovsky, C Widmark, C Reist, S Erhart, DL Braff, ...

Schizophrenia Research 90 (1-3), 316-324


Functional outcome in TBI I: Neuropsychological, emotional, and behavioral mediators

Y Rassovsky, P Satz, MS Alfano, RK Light, K Zaucha, DL McArthur, D Hovda

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 28 (4), 567-580


Functional outcome in TBI II: Verbal memory and information processing speed mediators

Y Rassovsky, P Satz, MS Alfano, RK Light, K Zaucha, DL McArthur, D Hovda

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 28 (4), 581-591


Social perception as a mediator of the influence of early visual processing on functional status in schizophrenia

MJ Sergi, Y Rassovsky, KH Nuechterlein, MF Green

American Journal of Psychiatry 163 (3), 448-454


Suffocation and respiratory responses to carbon dioxide and breath holding challenges in individuals with panic disorder

Y Rassovsky, K Abrams, MG Kushner

Journal of Psychosomatic Research 60 (3), 291-298


Evidence for respiratory and nonrespiratory subtypes in panic disorder

K Abrams, Y Rassovsky, MG Kushner

Depression and Anxiety 23 (8), 474-481


Visual processing in schizophrenia: structural equation modeling of visual masking performance

Y Rassovsky, MF Green, KH Nuechterlein, BG Breitmeyer, J Mintz

Schizophrenia Research 78 (2-3), 251-260


Modulation of attention during visual masking in schizophrenia

Y Rassovsky, MF Green, KH Nuechterlein, B Breitmeyer, J Mintz

American Journal of Psychiatry 162 (8), 1533-1535


Stimulating development of new drugs to improve cognition in schizophrenia

WP Horan, Y Rassovsky, MF Green

Current Psychosis & Therapeutics Reports 3 (2), 68-73


Paracontrast and metacontrast in schizophrenia: clarifying the mechanism for visual masking deficits

Y Rassovsky, MF Green, KH Nuechterlein, B Breitmeyer, J Mintz

Schizophrenia Research 71 (2-3), 485-492


CO2 hypersensitivity in recently abstinent alcohol dependent individuals:: A possible mechanism underlying the high risk for anxiety disorder among alcoholics

Y Rassovsky, E Hurliman, K Abrams, MG Kushner

Journal of Anxiety Disorders 18 (2), 159-176


Carbon dioxide in the study of panic disorder: issues of definition, methodology, and outcome

Y Rassovsky, MG Kushner

Journal of Anxiety Disorders 17 (1), 1-32


Psychological and physiological predictors of response to carbon dioxide challenge in individuals with panic disorder

Y Rassovsky, MG Kushner, NJ Schwarze, OD Wangensteen

Journal of Abnormal Psychology 109 (4), 616


Department of Psychology &
Gonda Brain Research Center  
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan


© 2018 by Rassovsky Lab.

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